Category Archives: Addiction Treatment Marketing

What is addiction – What low competition keyword phrase is searched on 6 million times per month?

If you are looking for something to write about in your next blog post this might provide some ideas. Why not start the blog post with the title of “what is addiction?” Did you know that this keyword is searched on over 6 million times per month globally? That is a big number, especially if you are trying to reach people who want a better understanding of what addiction really is. Better than writing an article why not create a video and talk about “what is addiction?”

Because this is such a big generic keyword the competition is low in terms of trying to rank for it. However, if you are an addiction treatment center trying to rank for addiction related keywords it will help you generate addiction treatment leads over the long haul. Trying to rank for addiction treatment center or addiction treatment center in Florida is extremely difficult.

Keep in mind that this is NOT a strategy but a little tactic that might possibly get you some additional addiction treatment web traffic. If I were creating a new SEO strategy for a client I most likely would not have this keyword phrase in the keyword strategy list. But as we all know Google always wants more original content and we all can write reams on “what is addiction?” Take a look at how many millions of pages are indexed in Google for this keyword phrase, over 187 million! So the chances of actually ranking on the first page are next to impossible keep in mind if a keyword has a lot of volume there are chances that Google keyword alerts will deliver this keyword term to many people’s inbox on a daily basis. Here is proof on the numbers of search results has in their index.

SEO Drug Rehab – Now is the time to optimize your web site

Tis the season to be jolly, now in the time to prepare. January is undoubtedly the busiest time of year for drug treatment centers. It seems like everyone wants to start a new leaf when the new year comes around.

Since SEO takes time to index content and have it rank between now (Fall of 2011) and the end of the year is the best time to optimize your drug rehab center website(s). The reason being is it takes time to get the content indexed in the search engines, it take times for the social media networks to spread it around. it takes time to create the content.

Drug Rehab website traffic grows by at least 30% at the first of the year every year just like clockwork. If this is so, why not invest and plant the seeds now so you can have a great start to the new year?

I work with EminentSEO and one of our strongest verticals is Drug Rehab. We’ve been doing Drug Rehab SEO for over 8 years now and collectively have over 15 years experience in Drug Rehab Website Search Engine Optimization.

Drug Treatment Marketing – How addiction treatment has entered into a new phase

In 2011 I have been approached by a handful of companies who are in the “traditional lead generation” business. The handle leads for “For Profit Education” businesses, mortgages and insurance. Since drug rehab is in a similar space because we have a “big ticket” product that can cost upwards of $10,000 per month and in some cases $50,000 per month we have now attracted “the professionals” in the big time lead generation space.

What does this mean for the mom and pop treatment center with 20-40 beds? It just means that your cost of generating leads online might have just gone up and/or it just might have gotten a little bit more difficult. It also means that you will want to continue to diversify your lead sources and refine them so that you are not constantly having to scramble to keep your census full.

It also means “opportunity” to get onboard with a “professional lead generation” provider and establish the relationship early. The reason you want to do this is because the cost of the leads will start to go up. They will go much higher as time goes on and the more that the leads are qualified.

Know your customer. Just having a lead come in that is someone who needs help for drug rehab is not enough. We need to find out where they are located, if they have cash money, if they have insurance if they are ready for rehab and drug treatment. Too often I see leads that are what I call “tire kickers” who aren’t really serious about getting addiction treatment and just want i9nformation on the next nearby AA or NA meeting.

Think about it for a minute, if you have a prospect who has raised their hand and says they have $20,000 and that they are ready to go into detox in the next 3 days and they have insurance this is probably a person many treatment centers want to speak with. Then there are the other considerations like dual diagnosis and their gender and their history and age etc. If you want help with generating leads for your business visit Addiction-Rep for a comprehensive list of services. Also know that I can bring you professional drug addiction treatment leads in abundance.

How Charlie Sheen Can Help Treatment Centers Admissions

While the title of this post is: How Charlie Sheen Can Help Treatment Centers Admissions it could be written as
“How Can “Any Celebrity”  Help Treatment Centers Admissions.”

As of March 1st 2011 Charlie Sheen is in the news and is like a “rock star from Mars” (his words). While self proclaiming Charlie Sheen can do a 7 gram rock of coke like most people can eat Swedish Fish it might be a matter of time before all of this catches up to him.

What is interesting is the media are in an “Anna Nicole feeding frenzy” on this, their appetite is insatiable. The appetite of the public for the Charlie Sheen addiction saga also won’t wane. Let’s face it Charlie Sheen sells, and he sell entertainment and he is the best at selling entertainment there is.

Because the media focus is all about addiction NOW is a great time for Drug Addiction Treatment Centers to issue a press release with the title being something like:

“Expert Addiction Specialist to Comment on Charlie Sheen Drama”

If you run a treatment center getting in the news does a couple of things for you, the public and some possible addicts:

For you

  • establishes you as an expert in addiction treatment
  • provides visibility to your brand (treatment center)
  • gets more website traffic to the treatment center website
  • gets more visibility in social media networks
  • gets more inbound links
  • gets more press interviews
  • provides awesome content for your web site and social networks

For the public

  • provides another angle on the story
  • provides basic educational information on drug addiction and drug addiction treatment
  • provides awareness of what to look for in addictive behavior

For the addicts

  • provides another face to treating addiction
  • provides a possible solution for the addict
  • let’s addicts know there is help and they are not alone
  • provide some sense of trust to the addict about the medical community

In this interview analyzing Sheen notice how Dr. Omar Manejwala, MD of Hazelden never discusses Charlie Sheen by name or his actual case but he discusses addiction and how to treat it, in no way does he take advantage of Charlie Sheen in my view.  Dr. Omar Manejwala could not have handled the interview any better.

While some might call this “capitalizing” on the Charlie Sheen incident I think it is time for the treatment industry to speak out on these opportunities because Treatment gets very little press and addiction gets a whole lot of press. Issuing a press release is about a $250 cost plus the time to create it. The possibility of seeing 5,000 + visits to your website and have creditable content will pay off handsomely. What do you think?

Direct Response Treatment Center Website Review

Since the beginning of 2011 it has gotten much more competitive in the drug addiction treatment space to acquire more qualified visitors to our web sites. Because it has gotten so difficult and not to mention expensive with a capital E we might as well make the most of the website traffic we have coming to our site. In this florida drug rehab treatment center they have done a very good job of asking the website visitor to take 6 actions above the fold.

1) click on the video
2) call for free consultation below video
3) fill out a web form below the video
4) call in upper right
5) fill in e-mail for free report
6) check to see if they accept your insurance
7) learn more with 4 more links

Keep in mind that they also have their trust icons above the fold. Trust is the single biggest reason for conversions. While this is only a homepage review I like it a lot and would imagine that with this kind of engagement their is potential to secure conversations with clients and improve conversions.